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72 Peat Bog of Lipoi Feltre 115 - 17
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  • Description
  • How to get there
  • Interesting facts
  • Bibliography

Considered an area of regional interest, it is composed mainly of marshy terrain, the water from which comes together to form the Uniera torrent. The floor of the alpine peat bog of Lipoi hosts a number of interesting, rare life forms: among the typical peat bog vegetation we can find several families of sedge, once used as fodder or straw for making chairs. The delicate ecosystem requires specialised intervention, as the woodland tends to encroach upon the area.

There are two roads that lead to the site: coming from Busche, follow the SS50 until you come to Borgo Santo; after Borgo Santo and Vellai, the road goes up to the ancient peat bog of Lipoi. Coming from Feltre, continue towards Borgo Santo.

ACCESSIBLE: yes; private land
PLACE: Vellai

FILE COMPILED BY: Nicoletti/Abordi

Also on the right of the Piave, on a 290-metre hill overlooking the hamlet of Nemeggio (17 HAA), is the Neoclassical Church of San Michele, from which there is a beautiful view over the Caorame torrent, which runs into the Piave here.

Census of the minor nature areas in the Veneto Region, ARPAV 2003
C. Lasen, Torbiera di Lipoi: prospettive di conservazione e valorizzazione in “Le Dolomiti Bellunesi”, 16, 30: 41-51, 1993
C. Lasen, Varietà floristica e degrado ambientale in Val Belluna. Dolomiti, 1988
S. Ricci, La Torbiera di Lipoi, 1985
C. Lasen, Flora delle Alpi Feltrine, 1984
G. Marcuzzi, L. Dalle Mole, Contributo alla conoscenza del popolamento animale di una torbiera piana del Veneto (Lipoi, Feltre), Trento 1976
Landscape Plan of Feltre
Site IT 3230042, standard form of the Natura 2000 network